Friday, 17 December 2010

Poster idea change

We have now decided that we could use the poster for the advert as well but adding more detail in with the advert. The style that we have now decided would fit in better with the whole crime genre we have gone for would probably be a wanted poster. So we have started designing the poster around the idea of a wanted poster as well as keeping the abbey road idea in play so we have had to make a compromise between them and create a poster that has a shared idea.
Here is a wanted poster and how we might want our music video poster to look. 

Finished front cover

Now that we have finished the front cover we can now work on the inside of the Digipak cover and use the ideas that we have come up with so far. For the left hand side we were also thinking about having an old style newspaper describing what has happened in the music video and showing the report of the incident as the main character as the eye witness and having quotes like "Iv'e never seen so much crime in one day" or " I just cant trust society anymore". Below is an example of the style of newspaper we are thinking of going for.

Vinyl record idea

We have decided to put a vinyl record player on the right inside part of the Digipak cover over the part were the disc is meant to go. We have decided to add this old type of music device to the Digipak cover in reference to the fact that during the time when vinyl records were at its peak the mafia and organized crime was at its prime with the likes of Al Capone in the media. The time from Al Capone through the pop art culture to Bridget Riley was a good place to start when designing the record as we could incorporate her work into the making of the record. 

This is one of Bridget Rileys pictures that she created around the 60s era that we could use as part of a design for our record label as well as the checkered design below. 

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Finshed additional fan insert

We have finished the playing cards and we have decided to make them a limited editions item and only one card is being sold per Digi pak and in every Digi pak there is a different card so this will enable audience trading them with their friends and family and possibly brining value to the cards for the audience. We would also purposely make one specific card rare and other cards special for instance with a gold trim or make them shine. The problem that we may have if we were to make and distribute these items may be the cost as mking sure different cards are in different Digi pak boxes may increase the cost of packaging and distribution.

Here are the five cards so far.

We have also made a design for the back of the cards to make them feel that they would have a better feel to them and also would make them feel authentic.

Friday, 19 November 2010

Creating a poster invitation

As a group we have decided to get people to come to our music video showing by putting up posters around in the common room so then people can see the date and time to come. On this we can give extra information such as there will be a questionnaire to fill in and what song we used for our music video. 

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Preparing to show our music video

Now that e have finished our music video we can now show it to an audience, but at the same time we can get audience feed back so today I am going to make a questionnaire so that sometime next week we can show our music video next week and get the results from a questionnaire as well but to do this we are going to have to advertise what time, date and location we are going to show it. 

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Finished editing

We have finished editing and as a group we now think that the music video is now comeplete as this enables us to put our efforts to concentrate more on the other two projects such as the Digi pak cover and the advert, and we can now also work on creating the additional items.

Photo shoot extra

We did another photo shoot for the the thug, the prostitute, the main character and the priest and at the same time we did some photos for the monster front cover as well as a few photos for the poster. 

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Poster Idea/Advert idea

We have decided to still use the Abbey road idea but use it for either the advert or the poster , we still are thinking about where to have us all standing but all we need is one picture for the background and then the rest of the pictures we can do inside with the green screen.

The background could be a mix and match again but use it form the environments that our individual characters are from and make that as a background.

Monster Photo shoot

We have not taken the proper photos for our Monster that is going to be on the front of the Digi pak. We also used the green screen this time so we can get better pictures and have the option of putting in a background of our choice. Here are the pictures below.

We tried to get an array of pictures so when it comes to editing the pictures we have options to play around with.

We have also got some mid shots for the actual monster.

Digi Pak cover so far

So far we have taken the test pictures for our mix and match monster to go on the front and back cover. We have also matched the up to the different bodies and we now have a good idea on what its going to look like when it is finished. here are the pictures below.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Key features in music videos

A music video is essentially a device to promote the band, its song, the album, the back catalogue and their future catalogue. In Adrew Goodwins book on the rise of MTV, he mentions key points that can relate toour music video for example "There is a realationship between the lyrics and the visuals (with visuals either illustrating, amplifying or contradicting the music), There is a relationship between the music and the visuals (again with visuals either illustraiting, amplifying or contradicting the music), Particular music genres may have thier own music video style and iconography (such as live stage performance in heavy rock), there is a demand on the part of the record company for lots of close-ups of the main artist/vocalist, The artist may develop their own star iconography, in and out of their videos, which, over time, becomes part of their star image, There is a likely to be a reference to voyeurism, particularly in the treatment of women, but also in terms of systems of systems of looking (screens within screens, binoculars, cameras, etc), There are likely to be intertexual reference, either to other music videos or to films and TV texts." taken from BFI education book by Pete Fraser, these points distinguish the music video as a form. Knowing all these points it also helped us to create out musiv video to fit with coventions that the audience expect and this helped us also if we wanted to break these conventions.

Monday, 18 October 2010

New Digipak ideas

We have decided to make the front cover of the Digipak  to have a picture of three of our characters cut up, mix and match and create different combinations of people. We are doing this to show that we rely on each other and when we are together we are greater than our various parts.

For example what "blink 182" do in their music video "Always".

Another example is the way that these album covers are layered together.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Band poster research

We also need to create a poster for our band and we had the idea of using all of our characters and putting them together like a "charlies angles" pose but with our characters.

Here are also a few examples of posters that we could incorparate into our ideas for the poster.

Lead singer placement

We have put the main singer in the middle on drums when filming the band shot purposefully as we thought we would break away from all music videos were the main singer is the most important and has to be at the front, we were trying to portray the message that all members of the band are important as the band can only function if everyone takes part.

These are a few example that we are trying to break away from.

Impact editing

I have tried to edit our music video to the song so that when the tune changes so doing the cutaway or band shot for example, i did it like this so that it would not only be visual stimulation for the audience but also will help with the impact that the song will have. An example of editing like this is the intro to the series "CSI crime scene investigation" as they use the song by "who" and edit the cutaways to the song for a stronger impact.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Adittional fan insert

As a group we had the idea to put an additional items into the Digipak so the audience can enjoy the extra content. We thought that we could put all of idea into the Digipak because we now we have more areas to cover. For example we were thinking about either putting in a booklet with the song lyrics in and with a band biography.

Here are examples of the type of booklet we were thinking of.
We are also thinking about putting in Polaroid pictures in for additional items as well as a monster book that the audience can flick through the pages mixing and matching there own monsters.

We could also have five playing cards with our characters on them for instance face cards.

Ideas for Digipak cover

The ideas that we were thinking about as a group were to either put a character on each side of the Digipak cover or two put something like the the "Beatles" version of abbey road front cover and try do our own interpretation of that but with all five characters photo shopped in. 

Thursday, 30 September 2010


We have got a first draft of our video but it still needs tweaking. We are still editing it and possible we might be doing a small amount of filming to do this weekend but at the moment we have all the main parts done and all we really need is one or two more band shots and maybe a few more cutaways.

The main filming that we have done has consisted of the Main character, the prostitute, the thug, the preist and the news reporter. Below are the still shots from the music video so far.

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Filming tonight

We are hoping to do some filming after school in tealby. If the light and the weather hold up we should be able to finish off the shots that we need to do. We are also going to do the band shots tonight but we were also thinking that we could do them in the studio at school, we are going to do both just encase.

Filming last weekend

We filmed last weekend and the shots we got were the Thug shots and the indoor shots. We were going to also do the priest shot but because of the weather conditions that day we were unable to do that shot. We also have been making a "making of" video of that day. Once we have finished all the filming and got all of the shots with the "making of".

Friday, 17 September 2010

News reporter filming

We were deciding what mustache for Henry to wear and we were seeing which would work best and took some test shots prior to the filming.

When we did the filming in front of the green screen we had to make sure that there was no shadows as that would mess the green screen up so it would not look as good as it could be.